Thursday, March 7, 2013

Babywearing: Stretchy Wraps

Stretchy wrap. Sometimes referred to as a Moby, because of that particular brand's popularity. It's one of the easiest to find in stores (other than the abominable Baby Bjorn).

Stretchy wraps are so named because, well, they're stretchy. Shocking, right? And they're a wrap, so named because you literally wrap them around your body. Because of the stretch factor, these make a fantastic carrier for newborns and small babies. They're also great because, since they stretch, you can tie the wrap on before you leave the house, and then just pop the baby in and out of the wrap as needed. Incredibly simple. Small learning curve, since it is a wrap, but really, quite simple.

Stretchy wraps are usually 5-6 meters long. Some manufacturers claim they can be used up to 35 pounds, but that number is really impractical. Peanut is 26 lbs, and there is no way a stretchy wrap would be supportive enough for either of us to be comfortable. Ideally, these wraps are good up to about 15-17 pounds.

These wraps are ONLY good for front carries. Do not ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER use a stretchy wrap for a back carry. Ever. (The only exception to this rule is the Wrapsody Bali Stretch, which is made of different material and is supportive enough for back carries and heavy babies or toddlers.)
An almost 3-month-old Peanut picking pumpkins with us in my DIY stretchy.

Some recommended brands:

  • Wrapsody Bali Stretch--these are thin and soft and extremely supportive. As mentioned above, these are the ONLY stretchy wrap you should use for something other than a front carry.
  • Moby--these are easy to find, even in mainstream stores. They've changed their fabric fairly recently from what I'm told, so they're thinner and cooler while still being a good, supportive wrap.
  • Sleepy Wrap--another easy-to-find brand. These are made out of French terry. They're a little on the thicker side, so they're cuddly but not particularly cool.
  • Snuggybaby--this is a WAHM brand. They're also made of French terry, but they're a little less stretchy than the Sleepy Wrap.These also have a pretty, decorative center panel.
Of course, there are other brands out there, but these are some I'm familiar with. Also, stretchy wraps are incredibly easy to DIY. 5-6 yards of jersey knit fabric, slice it in half longways, and you have 2 easy, no-sew stretchy wraps. Beautiful!

Mama/baby cuddles!

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